You can learn more about different credit card companies, as well as the cards they offer, by clicking on their names below. For example, Coles, Virgin Money and Qantas Money credit cards have their own branding but are all issued by NAB. A credit card brand can also partner with an issuer to offer credit cards under their name.This includes most major banks and financial institutions in Australia, as well as their divisions or subsidiaries (which may have separate licences). Credit card issuers are financial organisations that are legally authorised to provide a credit facility.

In Australia, you can get a credit card from a bank, credit union, co-operative, other financial provider or even a big-name brand such as Coles or Qantas.īroadly speaking, there are 2 main ways a credit card company can be set up in Australia: Types of credit card companies in Australia ➡️ Get details on all the categories and winners of the 2023 Finder Credit Card Awards. These awards cover personal and business cards, with categories including Best Low Rate Credit Card, Best Rewards Credit Card and Best Credit Card for Travellers. The Finder Credit Card Awards for 2023 recognise the best credit cards in Australia, with expert analysis of available products from 89 credit card companies. Best travel insurance in Australia July 2023Ģ023 Finder Awards Award-winning credit cards.All international money transfer services.High interest savings accounts Australia.